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"Iconic and influential color images of Vancouver street life from a master photographer who has spent the last fifty years documenting the city, released to coincide with a major exhibition of his work. His eye lingers on the underbelly of the city: second- hand shops, vacant lots, barbershops and greasy spoons, full of people and their stuttering dreams.Since coming to Vancouver from Germany in 1953, Fred Herzog has roamed the city's back streets with his camera.Herzog draws inspiration from documentary traditions while bringing a sensibility of the outsider to a new setting.His color images of street life in the 1950s and 1960s prefigure the "new colour" of photographers such as Stephen Shore and William Eggleston The text includes essays by Grant Arnold and Michael Turner and a lengthy interview with the artist."

Vancouver Photographs. fred herzog

SKU: 9781553652557
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  • Used Excellent / Used Fine


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